Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Process Project: Meet Dale Rogers

Welcome to week eleven of the Process Project!! If you don’t know about us already, you can find out more here and read about other authors’ processes: The Process Project.

This week I am so excited to bring to you an interview for one of my long-time twitter friends, Dale Rogers!

Meet Dale Rogers!

Dale Rogers lives in North Carolina with her husband, Rick, and two Siamese cats. A South Carolina native, she holds a B.A. in English from the University of South Carolina, and she has published articles and poetry, as well as a Post Script in The Saturday Evening Post. An amateur photographer, she has a photo on the inside back cover of Sandlapper, the South Carolina state magazine, and she writes fiction for all ages. (She's even taken a stab at a couple of television scripts.) 

And now, for the questions!

JB: What is your main genre?
DR: Right now it seems to be Middle Grade, since I've written four of those, although I've also dabbled in romance and adventures for adults.

JB: What is your favorite place to write?
​DR: My favorite place to write is outdoors on a nice day, but that's not always possible, so I'll settle for a cozy room, sometimes late at night. I'm super bad about thinking about something I'm working on after I get in bed, then I have to keep getting up to jot down ideas.

JB: Do you have a writing routine?
DR: I don't really have a routine, but I need music to block out traffic or other distracting noises. The only problem with that is sometimes the music is so good, I have to stop and listen! 

JB: How do you prepare your ideas for writing?
DR: I'm afraid I'm not as organized as some writers, but when I start getting ideas, I try to keep good notes. I outline the story loosely, then add details later on. I've been adding to a list of interesting names for years, including foreign ones, and I refer to it when I can't readily think of just the right name for a character. 

JB: How do you organize as you write?
DR: I basically write scenes as they come, but anytime I think of a better way to write a thought or action anywhere in the manuscript (sometimes late at night) I make a note to change it later. I pick up descriptive words and phrases here and there, and I keep them in a document which I skim occasionally to find inspiration. 

JB: When you get stuck, what do you do?
DR: Sometimes, when I have trouble working through a scene or finding a way to express something, it helps me to do a menial chore such as dishes or laundry. The answer seems to come more easily while I'm doing physical work than when I'm at the computer.

JB: Can you talk a little about your revision process? 
​DR: I research links for good writing advice, and try to incorporate it into my work. My early edits are mostly for content--being sure the story makes sense and is interesting and intriguing--and my later edits are concentrated more on grammar, sentence structure, and typos. Something that really helps is a word search. I use “Ctrl + F” to locate words I use too often, such as quickly, just, and some. I have an article in Literary Rambles' “Tip Tuesday” listing the ones I have the most trouble with:

JB: And last, but definitely not least, why do you write?
DR: Writing is in my blood--literally. My mother and sister both have taught English and worked for newspapers, and words have always been important to me. I was taught correct grammar and sentence structure more than housekeeping skills (which is evident by the state of my house), and I feel a need to express my thoughts in writing, even when I'm not in a talkative mood. I believe writing also helps to keep me sane.

Thank you so much, Dale, for participating in the Process Project! If you have any questions for Dale, please leave them below!

Want to read more by Dale? Check out her out on the web at the links below!

Her Blog can be found at:
Follow her on Twitter: @DaleSRogers
Excerpt from her unpublished MG Adventure novel, The Legend of Feather Lake
Short stories and poetry: QuarterReads Magazine
A few of her poems:

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