She received her Master of Arts in Writing Fiction from Johns Hopkins University in 2014.
She also earned her Bachelor of Art in English and Theatre from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), as well as an Associate of Arts degree in Studio art.
Her work has been published in PennUnion, Fall 2014.
She is currently seeking representation for her Young Adult series about a brother and sister who travel back in time fifteen years to stop to their father's murder. The trilogy explores family dynamics through time travel and other fantastical aspects.
She currently works as the Director of Operations for a Property Management company. When she's not at work or writing/revising, she is likely with her family, reading on the beach, riding horses, or spending time caring for and training her horse.
You can follow her on the web here!
Twitter: @JacquelineBach
Instagram: jacqueline.bach
Facebook: Jacqueline Bach
Google +: Jacqueline Bach
Goodreads: Jacqueline Bach
And you can view her blogger profile Here