Welcome to week four of the Process Project!! If you don’t know about us already, please visit The Process Project page to find out more about this project, and read interviews with other authors.
This week we’ve had a chat with author Jamie White! Jamie White is a music addict, book lover, pet servant, and NaNoWriMo survivor. When she's not busy writing or posting on her blog her blog, she's taking pictures for her photo blog and spending time with her husband and pets.
Now let’s get down to business; here’s what Jamie had to say about her writing process!
JB: What are your main genres?
JW: Paranormal/New Age (New Adult)
JW: I always listen to music. :) Sometimes, I will sing along to my playlist before I start a writing session. I also sometimes set up a crystal kit on the desk when writing. Each stone was chosen for it's unique properties and how they relate to writing.
JB: Do you think your genre of writing informs your process?
JW: I think it definitely inspires some of that -- the crystal kit, for example. I also think singing with the playlist is also related, because music is like meditation for me and it gives me energy and focus.
JB: When do your best ideas come to you?
JW: I'm totally a night owl, although I have been slowly waking earlier, much to my annoyance. LOL
JB: When you are preparing to write a new story, what kinds of techniques or methods do you use to organize your ideas?
JW: I have started to make folders for each work where I include any notes I made, the drafts, editing rounds, etc.
JB: While you are working on a piece, do you have any particular way that you structure your work?
JW: I usually have just started with a vague idea and let the muse take it from there, but I recently started making outlines. Usually just a list of bullet points for the different chapters.
JB: When you’re on the road and ideas come to you, what do you usually do?
JW: I usually have a notebook with me, so I write them down as soon as I get the chance.
JB: When it's time to revise/edit your work, do you have any particular methods that you use to help you through the process?
JW: Lots of caffeine. Seriously, though, I just play some music to get me through. I like to edit by hand when possible, it saves me some time in front of the computer screen and I think you catch more that way.
JB: And most importantly: why do you write?
JW: Because it's fun. Seriously, I think that's the real motivation any writer needs. If you're not enjoying it, what's the point? I think that passion translates to the page and readers will be able to tell if you're going through the motions and not really having fun with it.
JB: To sum up, is there any advice you can give to writers struggling to get the words flowing?
JW: I think a change in scenery is good muse fuel. If you're stuck while sitting at home, go out to a coffee shop or something and write there. If you usually write on the computer, try handwriting a bit. It can be a huge help when you need to reconnect with the muse.

Want to read Jamie’s work? She released Stains on the Soul and Clutter via Pagan Writers Press in 2013. Visit Amazon’s Jamie White page to see all of her books and download your copies today!
And check her out on the web here!
JamieLWhite.com || Instagram @jamiewauthor || Pintrest @ AuthorJamieW || Twitter @JamieWAuthor || Amazon
AND! Great News! The sequel to Stains on the Soul just released on February 25, 2015!!
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