Sorry that I have been absent lately, I'm hard at work on the first book, so I figure it's fair to neglect this website while I get that ready for consumption!
In the meantime...
I am going to participate in the 100 Happy Days Challenge! I've got my sister on board as well.
Yesterday was the five year anniversary of my best friend, Andrea Michelle Clark, passing away. As is natural, I've been bumming out lately, and the 100 Happy Days Challenge is a way to remind myself of all the happy things I have in my life and keep me from taking anything for granted.
If you'd like to follow my journey, you can follow me on twitter @jacquelinebach or facebook
If you'd like to join in the challenge, you can sign up here: #100happydays - and then please leave me a comment with your twitter handle, or instagram handle, or facebook, however you have chosen to participate, so that I can follow your happy days as well!
And let's all remember to take time for happiness!
So excited for you to start this!