Sunday, September 27, 2015

Process Project Update - Preview on what's to come!

Hi, guys! I just wanted to let you know we're still working on getting things together for the revamped Process Project. Just wait until you see some of the interviews coming up. We have a slew of wonderful writers, published and unpublished. If you think you might have any interest in participating in the project, please send me a tweet (@jacquelinebach) and we can talk!

As a teaser, here are just a few of some of the many great authors we have lined up....
(meaning....this is not even close to all of the AMAZING interviews I have sitting in my inbox!)

Kelly Ann Jacobson, Published Poet and Author of both Adult and Young Adult novels.

Ami Hendrickson, Writes children's books, novels for adults, screenplays, poetry, songs, manuals and to-do lists, as well as books for famous horse people!

Joanna Ruth Meyer, Writes Young Adult Literary Fantasy and also is a pianist! 

Nicole S. Chung, Managing editor at The Toast, featured in several magazines including Slate, Salon,, Bitch Magazine, and The New York Times 

Mark Farrington, Assistant Director and Fiction Advisor in the Johns Hopkins M.A. in Writing program and award winning author with stories that have been anthologized in several anthologies. 

And FYI -- We're also looking at possibly adding a new video feature, more on that to come. 

I can't wait to get things rolling...please tune back in soon!

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